Monday, October 25, 2010

The good life....

Well, no fall garden, as I ended up having surgery a few days after my last post, and was out of commission for a few weeks. It's okay though, more time to plan for the spring. :) We now have turkeys again, and some guineas, who seem to be smarter than the last ones we had, thank goodness. We have 7 potbelly piglets, and haven't decided yet if we are keeping just one or two, but its time for the rest to find new homes. Flower is a great mom, but I think she is tired of them now.
Went to the Southern Indiana Fiber Arts Festival a couple weekends ago, and was completely blown away by all that fibery fun. I also came away with an absolute NEED to learn to spin. I am now on a quest for a spinning wheel. Met quite a few local people while we were at the festival, and are now in the market for an angora goat or two to add to the herd.
This past Saturday, our local Beck's Mill had Oktoberfest. We sat up a booth there, and had a fantastic day selling our goats milk soap, candles and knitted items. Met some more local folks there too, including the photographer for our local paper, who got a shot of Boy Farmer listening to a storyteller, and Girl Farmer holding the new puppy. She seems to think our little farm might make a good story, after all the election stories are over for the year. So we shall see if she comes around for an interview.
Busy week ahead..we are going to a semi local farmers market on Saturday, and I was instructed by the local yarn store owner to bring some of my stuff. She will introduce me to the market masters and see about us setting up there every weekend. This is one of the top markets in the US I'm told. Little nervous about that, but I'm sure it will all work out.